For Women’s History Month 2017, we highlighted events from history that involved women educators or provided a brief bio of a woman educator. Some of these names and stories may be new and some may be familiar. All of them, though, deserve to elevated at every opportunity. (As with all entries, please contact us if anything looks amiss!)
- Daisy Bates
- Lydia Maria Child
- Prudence Crandall
- Orah Dee Clark and Kathryn Dyakanoff Seller
- Nannie Helen Burroughs
- Ida B. Wells
- Karen Kopriva Topham
- #InternationalWomensDay
- Alice Dunbar Nelson
- Susie King Taylor
- Elaine Goodale Eastman
- Julia Richman
- Margaret Haley
- Louise Blanchard Bethune
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Fabiola Cabeza de Baca Gilbert
- Clara Muhammed
- Elizabeth Allen
- Belva Lockwood
- Wanda Robertson
- Mary Ann Graves Pyle Clarke
- Charlotte Hawkins
- The Committe of Ten and the absence of women
- Lucy Craft Laney
- Marva Collins
- Emma Hart Willard
- #MuslimWomensDay
- Evelyn Dewey Smith
- Eartha Kitt
- Susan B. Anthony
- Catharine Beecher Stowe